Spanish state pays people to live in Mallorca

Did you know the Spanish state essentially pays people to live in Mallorca? Crazy, right? Most people are aware that Spain’s territory is made up of more than just the Iberian Peninsula. The country includes the Balearic and Canary Islands, as well as the less well-known autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in northern Africa.… Continue reading Spanish state pays people to live in Mallorca

Cuts to support for self-employed women in Spain

While the raft of austerity measures brought in by Rajoy's government in Spain over the summer gained European-wide attention, the international press limited itself to reporting the €65bn headline figure, and scant attention was given to the details of where the cuts would fall.

Vegetarian individualism and community values: a necessary trade off?

Vegetarians and Pescetarians, Freegans and Vegans - a few decades ago they'd all be considered crackers, but these days you'll know many of them, and might be one yourself. I don't want to debate the rights and wrongs of vegetarianism, after all people become vegetarians for all sorts of reasons - medical, moral, and appetitive.… Continue reading Vegetarian individualism and community values: a necessary trade off?